The launch of the training of lawyers in intellectual property took place on October 19, 2022, at the campus of the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC) in Ekounou (Yaoundé), in the presence of the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Justice, the Rector of UCAC, the Director General of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) and the President of the Bar Association of Cameroon.
After the speeches of circumstance and the presentation of the auditors, the lawyers followed the inaugural lesson of Pr EDOU, Expert in intellectual property and former Director General of the OAPI.
By supporting this project, the Bar Association shows that it is determined to encourage the continuous training of its members to face the socio-legal challenges of their profession.
It should be noted that for this certification course, which is the result of an agreement between the Order and UCAC, the courses are given face-to-face and online by intellectual property experts. Those colleagues who are interested in this training and who were not able to register for the first batch can still do so for the next wave.
Secretary of the Bar
Me NGO MINYOGOG Anne Yolande