The Bar Council
The Bar Council is the deliberative and disciplinary body of the Bar. It is composed of seven (7) members if the number of lawyers is fifty (50), nine (9) members if the number of lawyers is between fifty (50) and one hundred (100), eleven (11) members if the number of lawyers is between one hundred (100) and two hundred (200), and fifteen (15) members if the number of lawyers is more than two hundred (200). The President of the Bar presides over the Council of the Bar and generally meets once a month, or more if necessary, depending on the situation. The sessions of the Bar Council take place at the Head Office of the Bar in Yaoundé, or in the cities chosen by him according to the number of lawyers residing there. They are not public.
Sitting on the Bar Council requires a great deal of personal involvement on the part of all members, in addition to the activity of their law firm: participation in meetings, preparation of files, representation of the Bar at conferences, colloquia, meetings, often outside their city of residence. Commissions whose members are appointed by the President of the Bar assist the Bar Council in its missions:
- the Commission of the Roll of the Bar,
- the International Relations Commission,
- the Training Commission,
- the Commission of Ethics,
- the Human Rights Commission,
- the Commission of Social Affairs,
- the Services Commission,
- the Commission of Scientific Publications,
- the Commission for the Verification of the Treasurer’s Accounts,
- the Commission of the Patent,
- the Commission for the Control of the Accounting,
- the Commission for the Underwriting of the RCP Insurance Policy,
- the Commission for the Bonds of Lawyers
The members of the Bar Council are elected for two years by the lawyers registered on the Bar Roll. Only lawyers registered on the Roll and who have been practicing in Cameroon for at least five years on the date of the election are eligible for election to the Bar Council.
The Bar Council administers the Bar. It decides on the registration, omission, resignation or honorary membership of lawyers. It draws up, under the authority of the Bar President, the list of trainees and the Roll of the Bar and decides on the rank. It ensures the respect of the professional ethics, the discipline of the lawyers, and elaborates the draft of the Internal Rules of the Bar. It prepares and implements the budget of the Bar, manages the assets of the Bar and ensures the strict observance of the provisions of the Organic Law and of the Internal Regulations; it submits the accounts of the Bar to the General Assembly for approval, authorizes the President of the Bar to sue and be sued, to accept all gifts and legacies to the Bar, to settle, to grant all alienations or mortgages, to contract all loans, subject to the approval of the General Assembly. The Council of the Bar is generally responsible for all matters relating to the practice of the profession of lawyer and the proper functioning of the Bar. The members of the Bar Council whose term of office has expired, remain in office until the election of the new Bar Council.
The Bar Council
Representative of the Bar President for the Centre, South and East Regions
Deputy Representative of the Bar President for the Centre, South and East Regions
Deputy Representative of the President of the Bar for the Littoral and Deputy Bar Secretary N°1