The Bar President
The Cameroon Bar Association, meeting in General Assembly from 18 to 20 June 2022 in Yaoundé, had as main objective to offer itself a new executive. At the end of these days saturated with electoral processes, a new wind is now blowing at the head of this organ of reference of Cameroonian justice. For the next two years, the Lawyers have decided to entrust the management of their professional destiny to Me MBAH Eric MBAH. By this act, the Lawyers have chosen the bet of youth but have above all believed in the vision to give back to the confraternity all its meaning as summarized in the campaign slogan of the elected representative: UBUNTU.
As provided for in Article 12 of the Rules of Procedure of the Cameroon Bar Association, he will serve as President of the Bar for a term of two years, renewable once.
The new Bar President, Me MBAH Eric MBAH was sworn in on December 12, 2003. He is based in Bamenda, in the North West Region of Cameroon. He was previously the Representative of the President of the Bar for the North West.
As President of the Bar, he will have to assume the following functions
- Representative: that is to say, representing the Order in all acts of civil life, particularly in judicial proceedings and vis-à-vis the public authorities. He is the guarantor of professional ethics and discipline. He is the spokesperson of the lawyers.
- Administrative: at this level, he convenes and presides over the Bar Council. He appoints the members of the commissions that function regularly within the Council. He recruits the employees and salaried agents of the Bar. He presides over the Training Conference. Also, the President of the Bar is obliged to transmit to the Bar Council all the requests that he/she receives and that are within the competence of the Council.
- Consultative: he gives opinions and consultations to the Public Administrations and to the persons as well as to the foreign Bars that request it. If the matter is delicate, it consults the Bar Council.
- Conciliator: As the father of all lawyers, he has a general mission of prevention, conciliation and appeasement. Seized of complaints against Lawyers, he hears the parties and tries, if necessary, to conciliate them, unless he refers them to a member of the Bar Council designated by him as a reporter.
Since he took office, we can already see the lines moving in the direction of change as announced during his campaign. In this sense, we can only wish him well.